When “I” is replaced by “WE”, even illness becomes WEllness

India's large and diverse population warrants an efficient healthcare infrastructure that should be accessible to all bands' of the society. Good quality healthcare should not be a privilege of the elite ones

With this philosophy in mind and over 40 years of experience in the field of medicine, the dream of a holistic multispecialty hospital with state of the art infrastructure and best in class equipment’s finally took shape in the year 2020 in the form of “NEW LIFE HOSPITAL”.

Ours is a 40 bedded multispecialty facility and our endeavour has always been to put “Patient First”. We are committed to provide quality healthcare at reasonable prices.

We recognise the vital role that technology plays in delivering superior healthcare services and our endeavour has been be to be at the forefront in procuring the best of class equipment to better serve our patients. We stand committed in constantly raising the bar to deliver best-in-class healthcare.

We will be happy to receive your inputs which will help us to provide sustained improvements in healthcare for years to come.

With Warm Regards

Dr. Ramesh Ranka

Chairman - New Life Hospital

New Life Hospital