To provide correct and complete demographic information including full name, age,
address, telephone number and e-mail ID, particulars of next-of-kin and insurance
To provide complete and accurate information about your health, including your past
medical history, details of medications, past investigations and other medical
To actively participate in your treatment plan and follow the same, and to keep your
doctors and nurses informed of the effectiveness of your treatment.
To keep any scheduled appointments and inform the hospital if any appointment needs to
be rescheduled or cancelled
To respect the rights of other patients, visitors and hospital staff and treat them with
courtesy and dignity.
To abide by the hospital rules and safety regulations; be considerate of noise levels,
comply with - the visitors policy; no weapons in hospital premises policy
To avoid bringing valuables to the hospital and assume equal responsibility of safety of
personal belongings.
To adhere to No- smoking/ chewing tobacco/consuming alcohol in the hospital premises
To provide complete and accurate information to insurance company to process insurance
To assure that the financial obligations of one’s health care are fulfilled as promptly
as possible.
To respect that patients requiring emergency care can take priority.
To be respectful of the property of other persons and of the hospital.
To accept the measures taken by the hospital to ensure personal privacy and
confidentiality of medical records.
To communicate with the healthcare staff if the condition worsens or does not follow
expected course of treatment.
To understand all instructions before signing the consent forms